

What is it about?

We used the Diffusion Decision Model (DDM) to study the cognitive components of switch costs in a novel task-switch paradigm. Age-related effects occur in separate components of switch costs, which can be quantified with DDM parameters.

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Why is it important?

Two important findings: First, age-related switch costs are not just sensitive to the distinction between global and local switch costs. Rather, the distinction between switch costs indexed by reaction time, and switch costs indexed by accuracy, is also important. Second, we illustrate that our paradigm, in conjunction with the Diffusion Decision Model (DDM), allows one to distinguish between early- and late-stage control processes involved in task switching.


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We demonstrate the utility of a novel task-switch paradigm (composed of discrimination tasks with degraded stimuli) that is particularly suitable to study task switching with computational modeling.

Nadja Rita Ging-Jehli
The Ohio State University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Effects of aging in a task-switch paradigm with the diffusion decision model., Psychology and Aging, September 2020, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/pag0000562.
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